Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lesson 8 - ICND1(1.6a)Describe the impact of applications such as Voice Over IP on a network

When we talk about the impact of applications on a network, we are talking about Quality of Service (QoS).  According to TCP/IP Guide:

"The generic term quality of service describe the characteristics of how data is transmitted between devices"

Most people when they think about quality of service, they describe whether the Internet or applications are fast or slow, but it's really much more than this.

Check out the following video by on Youtube.

The QoS concept I will discuss first is jitter. Jitter is simply packets arriving at their destination at unpredictable rates, also defined as a variation in packet delay.  This can cause issues with real-time streaming applications such as voice or video.  It is often experienced as a skip or a chirp in the audio or video.  

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